The Open Charge Alliance is working together with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to have OCPP published as an IEC-standard!
The IEC is an international organisation aimed at achieving worldwide standardisation for electrical, electronic and related technologies. Their work facilitates technical innovation, affordable infrastructure development and climate change mitigation. Those are values the IEC shares with the OCA.
Lawmakers in several countries value an IEC-partnership and therefor the OCA has introduced OCPP 2.0.1 as a candidate for an IEC International Standard.
On October 2nd, the IEC TC69 – the technical committee regarding electric vehicles and charging – asked all TC69 National Mirror Committees to cast their vote on establishing the OCA as a ‘Category A liaison’. As a liaison the OCA will ask the technical committee to fast track the adoption of OCPP as an IEC International Standard.
There is an opportunity for you to make your voice heard! Your IEC National Committee will discuss the IEC and OCA partnership in the upcoming weeks. You can show your support for OCPP and in case you are a national committee member, even vote!
OCA has shared their vision on the IEC – OCA collaboration in a presentation during the September Plugfest. You can find the video in the link below.