The Open Charge Alliance is working together with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to have OCPP published as an IEC-standard.The first part of this proces has now been concluded with a positive vote on accepting the OCA as a category ‘ A’ Liaison Organization.
The questionnaire for approving “Open Charge Alliance” (OCA) as a TC 69 Category “A” liaison organization was circulated on the 29th September. On December 1st the election results were processed.
OCA has been approved by the P members of TC 69 as a Category ‘A’ Liaison Organization for TC 69, having passed the approval criteria of 2/3 by acquiring 75% of the votes. As a next step IEC and OCA will work together to publish OCPP 2.0.1 as an international standard, using the fast-track procedure. This will involve another round of voting by the TC69 participating national committees.
As a next step IEC and OCA will work together to publish OCPP 2.0.1 as an international standard, using the fast-track procedure. This will involve another round of voting by the TC69 participating national committees.
The OCA will keep you informed on this matter. Please check our website and newsletter regularly.
About the IEC
The IEC is an international organisation aimed at achieving worldwide standardisation for electrical, electronic and related technologies. Their work facilitates technical innovation, affordable infrastructure development and climate change mitigation. Those are values the IEC shares with the OCA.
Lawmakers in several countries value an IEC-partnership and therefor the OCA has introduced OCPP 2.0.1 as a candidate for an IEC International Standard.
OCA has shared their vision on the IEC – OCA collaboration in a presentation during the September Plugfest, which you can watch here.