Working groups
OCA offers members the chance to participate in the working groups for OCPP and a number of Taskgroups dedicated to specific topics. The two main working groups of the OCA are Technology Working Group (TWG) and the Compliance Working Group (CWG).

Technology Working Group (TWG)
The Technology Working Group (TWG) is responsible for all activities required for and related to the creation, publication, and maintenance of OCA Standards (technical specification documents). This will include authoring and refining specification drafts, and may include other activities such as investigating and piloting potentially relevant technologies. Within the working group small task groups are formed to focus on specific technologies or subjects regarding the open standards, for example V2X charging and ISO15118.

Compliance Working Group (CWG)
The Compliancy Working Group (CWG) is responsible for all activities required for and associated with the testing of OCA Standards implementations in order to promote interoperability and advancement towards certification. The CWG is responsible for the design of the certification program by establishing the requirements and test cases for certification testing and provide (develop or procure) testing tools, harnesses, and processes.
Become a Member of the community of OCA and join a working group
You can contribute to the future of open standards in EV charging by joining our community! When you become an OCA member you get access to our platform, Causeway. On this platform you can find a lot of information about OCPP, standardization, new versions of OCPP and many more. On Causeway you can ask access to the working groups through the ‘Join a Group’ button.