On January 28th & 29th 2025, developers of Charging Stations and Charging Station Management Systems from across the globe are invited to participate in the US edition of the OCPP Plugfest! Thanks to DEKRA Certification US, the Plugfest will take place at their new ViGIL facility in Antioch, California.
You can join for online testing or participate in the onsite testing event with your OCPP device. You can also join as an onsite observer and learn about the latest developments during the side program:
• Opening of the new OCPP Certification Program that includes vendor declaration of conformance and product family listing
• An update on OCPP Lite for resource constraint devices
• Presentation by CEC about upcoming requirements and the reliability regulation in California.
• Updates on the upcoming release of OCPP 2.1
• Presentation by ChargeX over the new Vehicle/Grid Integration project
Registration will close on January 12th.