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In 2009 ElaadNL, the non-profit organization founded by the Dutch DSOs, started OCPP, the Open Charge Point Protocol. ElaadNL was aiming to install 10.000 charging stations in the Netherlands, wanted to procure these from different vendors, and therefor asked this emerging market for a
standard way of exchanging information. Since there was no standard available this early in the industry, ElaadNL devided to start writing OCPP.
In 2010 the first version of OCPP was published by ElaadNL. The protocol has been made freely available from the start, to support the growing industry.
Due the rapid development of the e-mobility business the demand for new OCPP functionalities grew. ElaadNL kept on developing the protocol to meet the new demand in the industy, this resulted in OCPP 1.5.
With the growing adoption and support for OCPP, ElaadNL decided to transfer OCPP to the Open Charge Alliance, a non-profit foundation under the Dutch law. The two co-founders of OCA are ESB, the Irish Utility and Greenlots, back then a US based startup in EV charging networks. The mission of OCA was stated as following:
“To foster development, adoption, and compliance of the OCA Standards and any other additional standards in connection therewith, specifically the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), globally through collaboration, education, testing, and certification.”
In 2015 OCPP 1.6 was introduced. OCPP is the upgrade from 1.5 and has several new functions like Smart Charging support for load balancing, list management support and the protocol made available in both SOAP and JSON. OCPP 1.6 really made a difference in the e-mobility world as in in 2023 still the most adopted OCPP version worldwide.
The first OCPP Test Tool was developed in 2016. This Test Tool is used by Charging Station manufacturers and Charging Station Management System developers (CSMS),to test there implementation and see if the OCPP messages are according to the spec.
OCPP 2.0 is the first of the OCPP 2.x version published by OCA. This version is made together with mutiple parties within the industry. These parties contributed by sharing their experiences and implementations. Due the whole new set up in OCPP 2.x, the protocol is not compatible with earlier versions.
Since 2019 OCA offers users of OCPP the possibilty to certify their OCPP 1.6 implementation. Through the certification you can demonstrate to clients, partners and governments that you’re OCPP 1.6 implementation is working according the specifications defined by OCA. The certification process is carried out by independed test laboraties.
Together with the industry, OCA-participants, researchers and testers improved the OCPP 2.0 version as things were found during the first implementations of the OCPP 2.0 version. Several improvements were made when the OCPP 2.0.1 was launched in 2020.
In 2023 OCA and OCPP really had a substantial growth as OCPP certification has been made mandatory for government funding in both The Republic of Korea (in 2022) and in the USA (in 2023). To match this growth OCA developed a new Test Tool which is easier to use and will be able to test both OCPP 2.0.1 and 1.6 implementations (1.6 will be available in 2024).
Next to the Test Tool certification for 2.0.1 made available to keep up with the demand in the industry and the development of e-mobility.
If you are looking for a more detailed description of the OCPP history please download OCPP-Chronicles-2009-2023.