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OCTT June Release – Now available

Mon 01 Jul 2024

News / OCTT June Release – Now available

The Open Charge Alliance is happy to announce that the OCTT Release_2024-06 has succefully been deployed on all OCTT instances.

With this release more testcases and improvements will become available for OCTT and the OCPP 2.0.1 and OCPP 1.6 Testcase sets. Additionally, with this update OCTT is aligned wit the OCPP Errata 2024-06 that are publihsed end of this month.

Please refer to the preliminary list of changes below for what is added or changed with this release. OCTT users can acquire the final list of changes in the Release Notes by clicking on the OCTT version number at the bottom of their screen after the update.


Preliminary list of Testcase Set changes in Release_2024-06

·         OCPP 1.6 Testset Changes:

o    CS changes:

      • Changed testcase name
        Affected Testcases: TC_060_CS
      • Testcase now requests a hard reset if the CS does not disconnect itself.
        Affected Testcases: TC_073_CS
      • Testcase now requests the CS to hard reboot.
        Affected Testcases: TC_085_CS
      • Fixed an issue where OCTT waited for an incorrect request.
        Affected Testcases: TC_046_1_CS
      • Removed optional pauses
        Affected Testcases: TC_073_CS, TC_074_CS
      • Added a check that the CS is connected using security profile 3 to ensure it will reconnect when the client certificate is renewed.
        Affected Testcases: TC_074_CS
      • Fixed a bug where OCTT was waiting for the wrong security event.
        Affected Testcases: TC_075_2_CS
      • Added missing cable unplug evse side and unlock steps
        Affected Testcases: TC_005_1_2_CS
      • ReusableState Charging now first authorizes before plugin cable to support chargers that do not allow cable plugin first (locked cables).
        Affected Testcases: TC_007_CS, TC_008_CS, TC_010_CS, TC_023_CS
      • Use invalid firmware name iso invalid location
        Affected Testcases: TC_044_2_CS
      • Fixed incorrect calculation of startPeriod in validation of compositeSchedule
        Affected Testcases: TC_072_CS
      • Added check for matching key algorithm before trying to sign the CSR
        Affected Testcases: TC_074_CS
      • TC_076_CS now uses a GetInstalledCertificateIds to determine the hashAlgorithm of the installed certificate
        Affected Testcases: TC_076_CS
      • Reusable state Charging now also allows “preparing” as intermediate state
        Affected Testcases: All, testcases, which, use, reusablestate, charging
      • Fixed an issue where an incorrect local auth list version id was used.
        Affected Testcases: Restore
      • TC will now only fail when “Available” is received before the connectionTimeout. Taking Max Time Deviation in account.
        Affected Testcases: TC_011_2_CS
      • TC now fails when no StatusNotificationRequests are received
        Affected Testcases: TC_032_2_CS
      • Testcases now also allow a call error with NotSupported
        Affected Testcases: TC_042_1/043_1/048_4_CS
      • TC_044_1__CS not supports the alternative flow where if the charger is not rebooting after updating the FW, a reset is sent
        Affected Testcases: TC_044_1_CS
      • Tool configuration now has firmware config items for invalid signature and invalid firmware location
        Affected Testcases: TC_044_3_CS, TC_081_CS
      • TC_046_1_CS now waits for 10s iso max_timeout_period for optional Authorize and TC_046_2_CS now has wiat for Authorize as optional when reserved in reusablestate `Charging`
        Affected Testcases: TC_046_1_2_CS, ReusableState, Charging
      • TC will now wait for the reservation expiry date offset for the statusNotificationRequest Available
        Affected Testcases: TC_047_CS
      • Clockaligned timestamp validation now uses 1 sec fixed as deviation instead of max_time_deviation
        Affected Testcases: TC_071_CS
      • TC now validates the config values against the pattern and fails when readonly key AuthorizationKey is returned
        Affected Testcases: TC_019_CS
      • TC now explicitly fails on incorrect end status Available and UnAvailable
        Affected Testcases: TC_032_2_CS
      • Added Celsius to StopTransaction.req JSON schema.
        Affected Testcases: All, testcases

o    CSMS changes:

      • Removed the stopping of the transaction from the TC
        Affected Testcases: TC_053_CSMS
      • TC_076_CSMS now doesn’t use API call to trigger GetInstalledCertificateIdsRequestReceive
        Affected Testcases: TC_076_CSMS
      • Now CSMS is allowed to send chargingProfileKind Relative as wel as Absolute
        Affected Testcases: TC_059_CSMS
      • TC now validates the CSMS sends correct parentId tag in response on Authorize and StartTransaction
        Affected Testcases: TC_053_CSMS

o    Other changes:

      • Both DummyResponder as the default_alt_step now return all config items when key is empty or omitted in getConfigRequest, when key is unknown it is added to the unknown key list
        • Affected Testcases: Dummy responder and default_alt_step

·         OCPP 2.0.1 Testset Changes:

o    CS changes:

§  A Security
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_A_23_CS
§  B Provisioning
        • Testcase now expects Rejected when a component variable is WriteOnly
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_16_CS
        • Testcase now accepts deprecated TxStopPoint ‘DataSigned’
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_53_CS
        • Improved the print statements
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_57_CS
        • Fixed an issue where we check on the messageTimeout instead of Max Timeout Period.
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_02_CS, TC_B_03_CS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_47_CS
        • Testcase removed
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_08_CS
§  C Authorization
        • Fixed a bug where testcase would fail because TransactionEventRequest was not received, when it was
          Affected Testcases: TC_C_14_CS
§  E Transactions
        • Added support for transaction scenario ‘remote’.
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_31_CS
        • Set testcase main steps to correct begin point.
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_43_CS
        • Fixed an issue where we check on the messageTimeout instead of Max Timeout Period.
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_29_CS, TC_E_33_CS, TC_E_40_CS, TC_E_41_CS, TC_E_42_CS, TC_E_50_CS, TC_E_51_CS
        • Fixed an issue where OCTT waited for StatusNotification Available that will never be sent by charging stations without a fixed cable.
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_26_CS
        • Fixed an issue where a temporary TransactionEvent ‘SuspendedEVSE’ was not allowed.
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_38_CS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_11_CS
§  J Meter Values
        • Fixed an issue where the testcase did not handle the default value of ‘measurand’ correctly.
          Affected Testcases: TC_J_06_CS
§  K Smart Charging
        • Fixed an issue the validation of the composite schedule could fail when it was correct
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_09_CS, TC_K_22_CS, TC_K_23_CS, TC_K_28_CS, TC_K_39_CS, TC_K_40_CS
        • Added testlab testcases
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_30_CS, TC_K_40_CS
§  L Firmware Management
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_L_16_CS
§  M ISO 15118 Certificate Management
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_M_09_CS, TC_M_30_CS, TC_M_31_CS
§  N Diagnostics
        • Fixed an issue where we check on the messageTimeout instead of Max Timeout Period.
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_24_CS, TC_N_26_CS
        • Fixed an issue where the testcase would result in error when the NotifyMonitoringReportRequest.monitor was omitted.
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_01_CS, TC_N_03_CS, TC_N_06_CS, TC_N_08_CS, TC_N_09_CS, TC_N_19_CS, TC_N_39_CS, TC_N_47_CS, TC_N_53_CS
        • Testcase now follows updated testcase document and should no longer result in ERROR when receiving a NotifyEvent with connectorId omitted
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_23_CS

o    CSMS changes:

§  A Security
        • Updated before steps of testlab versions of TC_A_07_CSMS to ensure SUT is connected to security profile 2
          Affected Testcases: TC_A_07_CSMS
        • Testcases now request to set a non-active network profile to ensure this testcase can be successfully executed.
          Affected Testcases: TC_A_19_CSMS
        • Testcases are now compatible with CSMS’es that first query the active network profile.
          Affected Testcases: TC_A_19_CSMS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_A_12_CSMS, TC_A_13_CSMS
§  B Provisioning
        • Testcases now request to set a non-active network profile to ensure this testcase can be successfully executed.
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_42_CSMS, TC_B_44_CSMS
        • Testcases are now compatible with CSMS’es that first query the active network profile.
          Affected Testcases: TC_B_42_CSMS, TC_B_44_CSMS
§  C Authorization
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_C_50_CSMS, TC_C_52_CSMS
§  E Transactions
        • Fixed an issue where OCTT would send duplicate chargingState ‘Charging’
          Affected Testcases: TC_E_11_CSMS
§  H Reservation
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_H_01_CSMS, TC_H_07_CSMS, TC_H_08_CSMS, TC_H_14_CSMS, TC_H_15_CSMS, TC_H_17_CSMS, TC_H_19_CSMS, TC_H_20_CSMS, TC_H_22_CSMS
§  I Tariff And Cost
        • Fixed an issue where we check on the messageTimeout instead of Max Timeout Period.
          Affected Testcases: TC_I_01_CSMS
§  J Meter Values
        • Removed incorrect check if “meter values interval” is smaller than “message timeout”.
          Affected Testcases: TC_J_09_CSMS
§  K Smart Charging
        • Added testlab testcases
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_35_CSMS
        • Testcases now validate the number of chargingSchedules and chargingPeriods
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_01_CSMS, TC_K_02_CSMS, TC_K_03_CSMS, TC_K_10_CSMS, TC_K_19_CSMS
        • SetChargingProfile promptnow includes the evseId
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_01_CSMS, TC_K_02_CSMS, TC_K_03_CSMS, TC_K_04_CSMS, TC_K_10_CSMS, TC_K_15_CSMS, TC_K_19_CSMS, TC_K_60_CSMS, TC_K_70_CSMS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_K_53_CSMS, TC_K_55_CSMS, TC_K_57_CSMS, TC_K_58_CSMS, TC_K_59_CSMS
§  M ISO 15118 Certificate Management
        • Added validations on the InstallCertificateRequest
          Affected Testcases: TC_M_20_CSMS, TC_M_21_CSMS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_M_24_CSMS, TC_M_26_CSMS, TC_M_28_CSMS
§  N Diagnostics
        • Fixed an issue where testcase could result in error if the GetMonitoringReportRequest componentVariable was omitted
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_02_CSMS, TC_N_03_CSMS, TC_N_60_CSMS
        • Testcases now provide more realistic customer information in the NotifyCustomerInformationRequest.
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_30_CSMS, TC_N_62_CSMS
        • Testcase should no longer sometimes send 2 CustomerInformationResponses
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_32_CSMS
        • Testcase added
          Affected Testcases: TC_N_63_CSMS

o    Other changes:

      • Aborting a TC by prompt now lead to an INCONC result
        • Affected Testcases: All TC which use prompts with an Abort button
      • ClearCache now first enables AuthCacheCtrlr before clearing
        • Affected Testcases: RestoreCS BuildInFunctionsCS
      • Fixed an issue in the transaction event validator when messages are retried by the charging station.
        • Affected Testcases: All CS testcases using Transactions
      • Improved the reusable state Authorize for handling cached and reserved idTokens
        • Affected Testcases: All testcases that use Authorization in some form including reservation and cached authorization
      • Made non mandatory in the TransactionEvent CablePluggedIn. Sending before that is now also allowed
        • Affected Testcases: All using reusable states EnergyTransferStarted
      • Testcases no longer request the idtoken to be presented when the configured idtoken is of type eMaid, Central or MacAddress
        • Affected Testcases: All CS testcases that use local authorization

·         Other changes:

    • OCTT now doesn’t go into the restore procedure anymore, after the testcase is aborted.
      • Affected Testcases: All testcases
    • The watchlist marking of testcases has been updated to reflect the current watchlist for certification.